Yellowstone: One-Fifty
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Yellowstone: One-Fifty (2022)


No 150º aniversário da sua fundação, Kevin Costner explora o Parque Nacional de Yellowstone para descobrir se ainda é tão selvagem e intocado como era no dia do seu nascimento, e recorda os acontecimentos que levaram à sua preservação.

Yellowstone: One-Fifty11

1 - A Magical Place

Kevin Costner retraces the steps of the Hayden expedition as he explores the wildest terrain of Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone: One-Fifty12

2 - Winter;s Majesty

Kevin Costner explores the park in the dead of winter, battling fifteen feet of snow and negative 40-degree temperatures.

Yellowstone: One-Fifty13

3 - Rebirth

As the snow melts, millions of animals return to the park, but this year theyre accompanied by a flood of biblical proportions.

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4 - An Enduring Legacy

Kevin Costner takes a deep dive into the 10,000-year human history of Yellowstone.

Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner

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